Excido - Malich Coory
This is just a short Bio about me and the music I am creating.
I begam playing piano from a young age, not in any kind of professional or learned sense. I received an electronic keyboard for Christmas many years ago and ever since have always loved playing and learning. I find myself deeply drawn towards classical and orchestral music. I find there is something timeless and soul touching about it. I memorised how to play certain classics like: Moonlight Sonata, Fur Elise, Canon, etc.
As I grew older my love of music only grew, I found myself listening to a plethora of different genres and sounds. Everything from Heavy Metal to Japanese Pop. And as my understanding and acceptance of life grew, I gained an even deeper appreciation for music.
Many years ago I attempted to mix my own tracks from various predone loops and samples. Unfortunately it coincided with a deep existential crisis and subsequent creative block. Predominantly writing has always been my truest passion. The inability to create stifled me in many aspects of my life, it seemed the darkness would never subside. All I can say is I learnt to find beauty in it, in everything. The yin-yang or the necessary dichotomy of existence.
So not to long ago I began to accept things for what they are. I stopped being my worst enemy, thats not to say we don't have our spats, but me and me kind of get along now.
In this ceasefire of soul, I began expressing myself through music, because being my biggest critic, words had to be too precise or I felt they shouldn't be conveyed. Music, or the music I make anyway, is a wordless expression of my soul.
My first 3 albums tell a tale of our humanity and our journey. My first album Adrift is about being lost in lfie, floating around aimlessly with no real direction and the sadness over our neglect for our planet and its inevitable demise.
Orbital Delirium is humanities search for a new home, heading into the great expanse towards the Andromeda galaxy, and the tormentuous obstacles we must overcome.
Birth Of A Star is our arrival in the new galaxy and our trials andtribulations of finding and settling in a new place. The existential spiral and search for the answers to the questions of out purpose and meaning.

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